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Steuben County Property Tax Auction has more than 100 homes for sale



Steuben County Property Tax Auction has more than 100 homes for sale

Bath, New York – The second delinquent real property tax auction of this year, which begins this month, has 100+ properties up for sale, according to Steuben County.

In August 2022, the County Legislature’s Finance Committee authorized the auction’s dates. From October 5 to October 12, there will be an online-only auction.

“Steuben officials maintain the purpose of the county auction is to recover back taxes and put the properties back on the tax rolls, not to seize property,” the County’s announcement said. “The County has long provided multiple ways for delinquent property owners to recover their property prior to the point of foreclosure sale.”

In this auction, 110 properties from all throughout Stueben County are up for grabs, including houses, businesses, investment property, vacant land, and recreational land. You may access the complete list here.

The June 2022 auction, which brought in $1.5 million for the county and netted back taxes totaling more than $847,000, was followed by the October bid.

The online tax foreclosure auctions for Chemung County and Schuyler County were just completed as well.

