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School districts across Rochester hiring for multiple positions



School districts across Rochester hiring for multiple positions

Hilton, New York – On Tuesday, there’s a job fair in Hilton. The district needs more teaching assistants, teachers’ aides, cleaners, and bus drivers.

Anita Richards was looking for a gig with more flexible hours, good pay, and benefits that are also close to home. So here she is, just a few days away from taking her bus driver road test. “The training is unbelievably thorough,” said Richards. “It is very thorough and it’s very hands-on. The trainers are … I cannot say enough.”

“It can take up to four weeks, it can take up to six weeks and up to eight weeks,” said Peg Young of the Hilton Transportation Department. “We want them comfortable and we want them to be the safest drivers out there and make this the safety vehicle out on the road.”

New school bus drivers are being offered $25 an hour plus benefits and even $1,000 signing bonuses. “Every position is so important,” said Ned Dale, Hilton’s assistant superintendent of human resources. “Our bus drivers are the first people that our students see and the last people that our students see. Our classrooms need the support of teaching assistants. We had a large number of teaching assistants retire last year. Candidate pools for teaching programs across the country are at their lowest point ever.”

According to Richards, she is grateful for the opportunity and is happy to be a part of the team. “It is fun,” Richards said. “It is just fun and they make it fun.”

Hilton’s job fair is Tuesday from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Quest Elementary School on West Avenue.


