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Governor Hochul will declare a free tuition plan for state and city institutions



Governor Hochul will declare a free tuition plan for state and city institutions

Albany, New York – On Tuesday, Governor Hochul will unveil a plan to provide free tuition to state and city universities for students pursuing associate degrees in specific sectors that are in high demand.

In a speech in Albany, Hochul is scheduled to introduce the proposal and lay out her plans for the state’s current legislative session.

Residents between the ages of 25 and 55 who enroll in associate degree programs in nursing, teaching, technology, engineering, and other disciplines at schools run by SUNY and the CUNY would be covered by the initiative, according to her office. The state would also cover the cost of books and other costs.

Nearly 90 state and city universities in New York already offer reduced tuition to residents, and citizens earning less than $125,000 per year are eligible for free tuition at the schools under an existing scheme.

Hochul stated in a statement released by her office, “My dad’s college education gave our entire family a chance at a better life, and I want every New Yorker to have that opportunity.” In order to assist in filling the in-demand positions of the future, my plan calls for all New Yorkers to have the chance to enroll in SUNY and CUNY community institutions and get a free degree.

While many states provide various forms of reduced tuition for state universities, other states, like Massachusetts, have comparable programs.

This page will stream Governor Hochul’s State of the State Address live at 1:00 p.m.

