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We can’t talk about democracy when we only have way too big political parties, but no real choices



How one can say there is democracy when our political system is only consisted of way too big parties, parties who divide the people instead of uniting them? The debate about democracy in our system has been ongoing process ever since, but democracy surely is not a choice between two big parties and not having third or fourth option.

The real question is whether we have a proper structure to support democracy we all collectively strive for.

From one perspective, each of the two parties are way too big and have huge power. Is so obvious to conclude this since we can all clearly see how most election laws are written.

At the same time, another perspective, the same ‘huge’ parties seem to be very small, without almost no power sometimes. We all remember how the leaders of the GOP failed to stop Donald Trump in multiple occasions.

We witness the same thing every four years, moving in a circle, literally. Once a party reaches to the majority in Congress, their members simply lose their personality, they forget their promises, they simply forget who they are and where they came from. This has been the case with every party and every president in the last two decades, starting from George W. Bush to Donald Trump. And nothing has changed with the Joe Biden.

What is even more alarming is the current position of the GOP, who are not able to escape Trump’s shade despite their ‘efforts’. The situation with the GOP has gone to a point where they don’t even know what they stand for or what they fight for. In 2020, leaders couldn’t even come up with a party platform of policy ideas to campaign for outside of being pro-Trump.

Third party would probably not solve the issue with the current system, but two more parties will surely do. To be honest, 2016 Election was the perfect representation of how 4-party system might look like. The potential split of the current parties will actually bring the changes we need to say we are a real democracy now.

Do I really think this might happen? I want to, but I don’t truly believe this will actually happen. The two parties are way too big and powerful to keep the current system, a political system they like, control and they will do everything in their power to make it work in the future. Because, you know, they like the way things are right now.

