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Tops Markets requiring employees to wear masks again



Williamsville, New York — From Friday on, Tops Markets employees are required to mask up again while working regardless of vaccination status.

The decision was made after the state and local guidance. They say the health and safety of their associates and customers are at the center of their decision-making.

Fully vaccinated customers shopping at Tops still have the option not to wear a mask. Those without the vaccine are required to wear a mask.

“The health and safety of our associates, as well as that of our customers, is at the core of every decision. Throughout the pandemic, we have been closely monitoring local, state and CDC guidance. The CDC is again recommending wearing face coverings in public settings, including grocery stores, to help curb the spread of the virus. Starting this Friday, August 6, all associates, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to wear face coverings while working in our stores. At this time, our current policy for customers will remain unchanged. Those customers that are fully vaccinated will have the option to wear a face covering. Unvaccinated customers must wear a face covering while shopping in our stores. This includes all individuals age two or over that are able to medically tolerate a face covering.”

