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Local organization holds event to address recent violence



Local organization holds event to address recent violence

Rochester, New York – In response to recent violence, on Sunday, Uniting and Healing Through Hope of Monroe County gathered the Rochester community together for a “Stop the Violence” event at Frontier Field.

The event featured local pastor John “Mercury” Morgan doing a “leap of faith” through a burning wall.

According to event organizers, as a city and a nation, the people must put a stop to violence throughout the country.

“We had several more shootings, mass shooting last night, two or three more people died last night. Stabbed, one got hit by a car and died, that’s violence too,” said Clay Harris, President of Uniting and Healing Through Hope of Monroe County. “We have too much violence, not just in Rochester but in the state and in the nation. And if we don’t come together as a nation and as a city to stop this violence it’s just going to get worse.”

More information about the organization can be found on its website.


