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A total solar eclipse brings families together from all across the nation



A total solar eclipse brings families together from all across the nation

Rochester, New York – Sally Macfarlane touched down at the Greater Rochester International Airport from Capetown, South Africa, having traveled for twenty-seven hours. She even felt the 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New York City while traveling.

“I’m exhausted, said Macfarlane. “But I got here, saw the eclipse sign, and I’m thrilled. I saw my brother, and I can’t wait. I’m an astronomer myself so I’m hoping everyone is ready to see these sights and sounds and hope everyone is ready to experience it.”

Thousands of people were anticipated to travel to the Rochester area to witness the eclipse, including Macfarlane. Robert and Lori Paz traveled from Pasadena, California, all the way here.

“I think everyone should experience a total solar eclipse once in their lives,” said Lori. “A total eclipse is an amazing astronomical event. It’s an emotional experience.”

“I’m excited and I just want to be with her,” added Robert. “All in all, I just want to take photos.”

Families like Kate McKay’s have come together because of the eclipse. McKay left from Florida’s Deerfield Beach.

“We have people coming from other parts of the country too to come up and see it, said McKay. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime occasion and I’m glad to be here with them.”

Phyllis Brown, whose son arranged the eclipse family reunion, traveled from Palo Alto, California.

“We don’t know if we’ll see the sun,’ said Brown. “It’s Rochester, but it’ll be fun no matter what. My older son organized a family gathering at our summer cottage and it turns out a lot of people are coming.”

The four sisters decided to go to Pittsford for lunch during the eclipse.

“All four of us don’t really get together very often so this is special,” said Karen Taylor of Denver.

The thread running through everything was reunion; the total solar eclipse in Rochester provided a chance for people to gather together.

About 30 million Americans are expected to be within the path of Monday’s complete solar eclipse, according to a recent YouGov report.

