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Gates Chili schools placed on lockout



Gates Chili schools placed on lockout

Gates, New York — As police investigate a threat Wednesday morning, officials at the Gates Chili Central School District have placed all schools on lockout.

All schools in the district will be under lockout status until further notice, according to a series of tweets released by the district.

No one is allowed to enter or exit buildings until the lockout is lifted.

According to Gates Police, the district shut down due to a concerning social media post they were made aware of. Other details are limited at this time due to the ongoing investigation.

Members of the district ask that parents do not come to the schools or wait outside at this time.

According to Iva Petrosino, the Director of Communications for Gates Chili Central School District, as of about one hour after the tweet, the school is working on notifying staff and families of the next steps.

The lockout has also canceled the summer meals event.


