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Hochul presents the idea of providing free lunches to students in New York



Hochul presents the idea of providing free lunches to students in New York

Rochester, New York – According to a recent proposal, New York State is looking to pay for students’ school lunches.

In order to combat food insecurity and guarantee that more than 2.7 million pupils receive free breakfast and lunches at school, Governor Hochul’s 2025 State of the State includes this planned initiative.

NYS estimates that the initiative will save households about $165 on groceries each month.

According to numerous academics and activists, among other benefits, giving pupils free school lunches may boost their general academic performance.

“This important initiative to provide universal free meals for all students — regardless of their ZIP code or family income — will reduce food anxiety, improve mental and physical health, and support students’ ability to thrive,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person, adding that nearly one in six New York children experience food insecurity. “Every child deserves the nourishment they require to develop and learn, regardless of their circumstances.”

During the school year, some districts in the Rochester region offer free lunches to their kids.
This was made possible for several of these districts by the Community Eligibility Provision.

In order to guarantee free lunches, RCSD collaborates with the city and organizations, East Rochester requests that families complete an application, Gates-Chili urges families to sign the Income Eligibility Form, and all Greek kids, regardless of income, are eligible to enjoy these complimentary meals.


