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For anyone interested in officiating boys high school basketball, training clinics set to begin soon



For anyone interested in officiating boys high school basketball, training clinics set to begin soon

Rochester, New York – The Rochester District Board of Approved Board Officials need new officials, they begin their 101st season of officiating Section V boys high school basketball.

Despite the great flexibility in hours, deep camaraderie among officials, sense of giving back to one’s community, and on-court exercise, with the impact of COVID-19, and a growing concern about fan behavior at games, fewer men and women are turning to officiate.

NCAA Final Four referee Jeff Anderson, and Clinic Co-Chairman Mark McElroy, will help kick off the season with Board 60’s first training clinic.

The Clinic is for anyone looking to become certified to officiate boys high school basketball in the upcoming season.

The Clinic starts at 7 p .m., Monday, Sept. 19 in room 262 at Brighton High School.


