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Election Commissioner discusses statewide ballot proposals



Election Commissioner discusses statewide ballot proposals

Rochester, New York — According to the Board of Elections, as early voting continues in Monroe County, 2423 voters have cast their ballots over the weekend. This means approximately 0.48% of voters have participated.

Local officials are encouraging individuals to vote and because this is a non-presidential election year, turnouts are expected to be lower than last year.

There are five proposals to vote on as well in addition to numerous Monroe County official positions.

“They affect every voter,” said Republican Monroe County Commissioner Lisa Nicolay. “They affect things that are happening at the Board of Elections, they affect taxpayers, there’s a cost associated with some of them. So, I think people just need to be informed. Take the time to read the props and know what you’re voting on.”

In order to to help citizens be knowledgeable as they cast their ballots, the League of Women Voters helps to aggregate information on each of the candidates and proposals.

“We prepare which is an online voter’s guide so a person can go there and they’ll find exactly what races they’ll be able to vote on based on where they live,” said Barbara Grosh, President of the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area.

Early voting is available through October 31. Times and locations are available on the Monroe County website.


