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Decision to close several RCSD schools receives an emotional response



Decision to close several RCSD schools receives an emotional response

Rochester, New York – A plan to shut down several schools in Rochester raised tensions at Thursday night’s school board meeting.

The board reviewed Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers-Small’s plan to close and consolidate 13 schools next year. According to Myers-Small, it’s necessary to respond to enrollment that’s declined by 8,000 in the last decade.

It would also address some staffing shortages.

The board’s vice president rejected it.

“I’m so frustrated, the entire proposal because none of it makes sense from the beginning how these schools were selected,” said Vice President Beatriz LeBron during the virtual meeting. “The only thing I can think of is perhaps there are some personal vendettas against some of the administration and some of your staff…”

“That’s not accurate Vice President LeBron, so I can’t let you say that,” Myers-Small responded.

“There’s no other logical… Because at the end of the day, you and ya’ll staff will leave,” said LeBron. “Ya’ll will leave Rochester and this community will have to suffer the consequences of these school closures and mergers.”

Next month, the board will vote on the school closing plan.

