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COVID-19 vaccine in the future resumes and job applications



COVID-19 vaccine in the future resumes and job applications

New York – According to a study showed, 33% of hiring managers will reject a resume without a vaccination status.

“Today, the vaccine requirement in job postings has been increasing. It’s not surprising considering because more and more states and jobs require this vaccine mandate.” Hannah Morgan, founder and a job search strategist for said.

According to Morgan, she’s not certain what career field specifically asks for a person’s vaccination, but she said it’s more likely to be in the healthcare and transportation field, as well as state jobs.

Companies look at a laundry list of things before checking for your vaccine, said.

“Generally speaking, when a candidate submits their credentials in the database, the employer then runs a search. If you then start introducing vaccine status, into the search, it may bring up too much information or not enough of the right information, so my sense is, technical qualifications for the job are still the order for the day,” said Paul Bush, President of

According to Ruth Sternberg, career confidence coach, an applicant should always do their due diligence before applying for a job, especially those who may be worried about their vaccination status coming into play.

“I never recommend that they just submit blind applications. I think that finding out what is required of the job beforehand, even by talking to people who work there, is critical because you know what you need to say,” said Sternberg.

As we move closer to the federal vaccine mandate, more jobs may require you to show vaccination proof with your application, experts said.

