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Catalytic converter kits given out to curb theft in Brighton



Catalytic converter kits given out to curb theft in Brighton

Brighton, New York – On Sunday, Metalico-Rochester and the Brighton Police collaborated to reduce the number of catalytic converter theft incidents.

During the Brighton Police Department’s Public Safety Day in the parking lot of Brighton High School, catalytic converter kits were provided to attendees.

The Empire Chapter of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and Metalico-Rochester provided the kits free of charge as donations.

A non-destructible tag and etching solution are included with the catalytic converter kit to engrave a special serial number into the catalytic converter.

The information gathered by the scrap recycling business can and will be used in collaboration with law enforcement organizations to link suspected criminals and stolen catalytic converters, resulting in their capture and prosecution.

“These kits will hopefully help deter the catalytic converter thefts. Today’s goal was to help bring awareness to the problem and give the community a way to protect their vehicle converters. We are glad to partner with Metalico Rochester and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries,” said Brighton Police Officer David Catholdi.


