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After August flooding in Steuben County, stores finally reopen



After August flooding in Steuben County, stores finally reopen

Woodhull, New York – Many local businesses are finally able to reopen thanks to the help of the community, two months after a flood swept through the Twin Tiers and left destruction in its wake in Steuben County.

On Wednesday, October 13, Golden Age Cheese had its grand reopening. The company started a monthly subscription package to help raise money for itself and its neighbors in rebuilding efforts, soon after the flooding.

“We’re able to sell our products, and we’re seeing a great showing of customers, a lot of love from the community coming out to show support. And it just feels really good to be back in business,” Matthew Blanchard, Golden Age Cheese COO said.

According to Leslie Smith, the owner of HP Smith & Son Insurance Agency, the floodwaters completely destroyed the basement and much of the first floor.

The company had to relocate, “kind of like a COVID relocation”. The Insurance Company also had to let go of some employees because of the cost of rebuilding.

According to Smith, she didn’t see much governmental support, but she was proud of how much the community and neighboring communities pulled together to help the town recover.

“The resiliency of this little community. And that’s what it all comes down to neighbors, neighboring communities helping everybody. And at the end of the day, that’s what matters.”

