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Abortion rights protest in downtown Elmira



Abortion rights protest in downtown Elmira

Elmira, New York – Protests swept the nation this weekend and spilled over in downtown Elmira, following the Supreme Court ruling last week overruling Roe v. Wade.

Over 100 community members showed up to protest the Supreme Court’s ruling, on Monday evening in Wisner Park in Elmira.

Pro-choice advocates in the community including women, men, children, and even dogs showed up with creative posters to chant and yell for women’s rights. Many cars driving by honked their horns in support, as the protestors cheered back at them.

According to one protestor, she has a condition where pregnancy could pose a high risk for detrimental health issues.

“I personally have PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome], and any kind of pregnancy that may ever occur would automatically be considered high risk,” said Jessica Delvare, holding a cardboard sign that read, ‘Keep Abortion Legal.’

She’s fighting for her own rights and the rights of women across the country, Delvare said.

“Abortion is healthcare like that’s my health care that you’re messing with, and that’s the healthcare of so many women that you are messing with and that’s just not ok,” said Delvare.

On Monday evening, a rally was also held in Corning’s Centerway Square, organized by Planned Parenthood of Greater New York.


